Related Links
More Info
Some other Damage Incorporated pages of merit have sprung up, and
you're recommended to swing by them.
Where did that ultra cool music come from? Well it's by the band
Death, and I encourage you to follow this link to get more
information on this amazing band. Special thanks to Jim Cooperman at
Relativity Records
and Chuck Schuldiner himself for making the use of this
music in D.I. a reality. Late breaking news is that Chuck has
reformed beloved Death. Check out the links below for more info.
Derek Riggs did a total of four beautiful paintings for Damage
Incorporated, which included Cover Art #1, which was axed by GT
Interactive (MacSoft's parent company) because it was "too cartoony."
Never fear, the art's still used in the game (Derek's art is not to be
wasted). Derek's most famous for his work with Iron Maiden and the
drawing of their band "mascot" Eddie.
You're well advised to check out some of it at the links below.
Glenn Fabry did cover #2 for Damage Incorporated, which MacSoft
rejected because they didn't like it (maybe it didn't look enough like
the Duke Nukem box for them?). Philistines! In any event, Glenn's
fantastic painting became the title-screen for the game. Glenn's best
known for his phenomenal work on the comic book Preacher (highly
recommend, by the by). Check out his work for it here:
Famous people Charlie Gillespie and John Hanley both did nifty
chapter paintings for
the game too, but I dinna find any links to them on the web.
Weapon Information
Much of the information on D.I.'s authentic weaponry was extracted
from this cool site, which provides a disturbing amount of information
about the Marine Corps and its weaponry.
One of the major influences on the creation of D.I. is Stanley
Kubricks' fine film Full Metal Jacket. Check out this
excellent Stanley Kubrick page for more infrmation.
Unless you've been living in Windows cave you've heard of Bungie
Software's fine Marathon series. Damage gets its engine from the
second title in that series, Marathon 2. By all means, if you haven't
seen it, you gotta check it out.
Also by...
A number of the people involved with Damage Incorporated also worked
on a wee RPG called Odyssey - The Legend of Nemesis. If you like
Damage, there's an off chance you'll like Odyssey too, so find out
more about it below.

![[Never Cry Submission]](graphics/never.jpg)
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