Odyssey - The Legend of Nemesis, the classic RPG for the Macintosh, is now available for free download. This is the complete version of the game, and includes a number of bonus documents about the game's development and back story. The game runs fine under System 7, 9 and OSX (in classic mode), so pretty much any Mac that is still in use today. You are freely allowed to distribute this Stuffit archive far and wide. Enjoy!
Download Odyssey Freeware .sit Archive

Stuck? You may want to refer to the Odyssey walkthrough to help you. It is available here:

 Download Odyssey Complete Walkthrough

If you have any questions, please direct them to odyssey@paranoidproductions.com.

You can still visit the Classic Odyssey Web Site. Note that much of the information on these pages is out of date. For example, you can no longer order the game from MacSoft, and certainly no more T-shirts are available. Nevertheless, I leave it up as it was originally created, for the sake of posterity, as a piece of Macintosh gaming history. (My, don't we sound high-falutin'?)

Classic Odyssey Web Site